Hilary Anderson, from the Rivet Revival House, leads a creative family endeavor, offering a variety of handmade goods. Hilary creates handmade scarves, gnomes, and jewelry. Ada, her 10-year-old daughter, makes handmade beads and bracelets, and Otto, her 12-year-old son, has been making fishing lures from 3D printed molds he designs and prints himself. The photos below are sorted by the family artist. Click on the images for larger photos of their work.

Examples of creations by Hilary Anderson.

Here are photos of Ada’s handmade beads and some bracelets she has made from her beads, as well as some she made with commercially made beads. The commercially made beads are made of glass, stone, and wood. 

Here are photos of some of Otto’s soft plastic lures. He designs his own molds using Fusion 360 software and makes them with a 3D printer, then melts and pours the plastic into the molds and lets them cool. The last photo shows one of his molds. He’s working on some more designs for molds and is still fine tuning them. He should have a couple more variations ready soon.